Welcome to Tejasvi Kapur’s Official Blog!!!

A word from Tejasvi…

I have been a frequent visitor to other webbsites/blogs to enhance my knowledge and inputs.It was generally felt that one site will have one particular type of information and shall lack everything else,for which I had to visit elsewhere.It was my endeavour to come up with a concept which is very much my own.Hence,this particular piece of work that is in front of you NOW!!The highpoint of the site is that this is an infotainment website ie. Information + Entertainment.

I aimed at putting in all the essential ingredients at one place such as Weather,Calender for date-wise view,Today in History,Word of the Day,Quote of the Day,Pun of the Day,Painting of the Day,Integrated SoundCloud and Youtube Playlists(Trending This Week),BBC World News Feed,Android News Feed and ofcourse RSS Feeds.

With this,the work becomes Multimaterial and Multifaceted and is able to cater to needs of one and all across the board.

Your suggestions,views and feedback is highly solicited.

Thanks and Regards

Tejasvi Kapur

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